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Artist Profile


Davi Nathanael,

born November 21, 1985 in Gladbeck,



Scorpio zodiac sign.


Lived in Tokyo from 2005 to 2017, since 2018 in Duisburg, Germany.



At the age of 19 I ended up in Japan to give my dream of drawing a chance - which worked out with a lot of luck and hard work!


I trained as a professional manga artist at Tokyo Communication Art University for four years, introduced myself to dozens of publishers and at the end of my training I had the chance to make my debut in the magazine "Cocohana" (formerly "Chorus"). I was then allowed to continue a monthly series for almost two years, which was also summarized in a paperback.

Then I drew a couple of stories for the magazine "Feel Young", again for "Cocohana" and since 2016 every week and completely in color for the Japanese manga webtoon app "comico" ("Red Poison", "Work Love Balance") .

I had a break from drawing from 2018 to 2020.

In September 2020 my new work "Dream Diver" started exclusively in English language on Coolmic.


Before that I had already won two newcomer awards at "Young Magazine" and "Super Jump".


In 2014 I decided to publish some works on Kindle in order to reach a German-speaking readership.

In addition to my drawing work, I also taught regularly as a manga teacher at the above-mentioned Tokyo Communication Art University and so far have given several workshops in Germany, including at the Folkwang Museum Essen and at the Gladbeck youth art school.


I also work as a translator for Japanese mangas, animes, games, etc.


In my private life, my passions are cooking (100% vegan since 2014), movies, music, interior design, philosophy, languages, my animal companions ...


I moved to Germany with my Japanese partner in 2017 and we are happily married.


Topics that are close to my heart are also LGBTQ rights, animal welfare and animal rights, anti-nuclear power and the ever-threatened world peace.


I hope my manga will entertain you a bit or make you think ★

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